Gameplay Video and Update

Here is a 13 minute gameplay video I recorded a few weeks ago which provides a good taste at what playing the game is like. I did not use any perks when playing so as not to spoil too much, but hopefully the stealth nature of the game will be obvious.

There have been quite a few changes since I recorded this, but it will give you a good idea of what gameplay is like. Curious about things that have been added since this was recorded? Read below!

What’s New?
Since recording this, quite a few things have been happening behind the scenes.

  • Steam has approved the game for release! I will be announcing the release date and a new trailer in the coming weeks. I expect it to release in late October.
  • Enemy spawning has been made more realistic as far as where they spawn (like the SS). As they now always spawn between your location and the nearest staircase, that can be used to get an idea where they might come from, or how to find the nearest stairs to another floor.
  • Additional consumables can be found including food and Pilot’s Salt (a dangerous stimulant).
  • Inventory has been overhauled a bit to make it easier to grab and scroll through.
  • Bats will sometimes fly out of hiding spots as you approach them.
  • Working on a press/media kit but not quite finished yet.
  • The retro user manual can now be accessed easily by going to

There are some OpenXR bugs I am waiting for Unity and others to address before I release the game which is one reason I have not set a date yet. Definitely soon!

If the gameplay is interesting to you, you can help by sharing with others. The more people who wishlist the game, the broader the Early Access release which means more feedback and success. My approach to this game has always been “make something I want to play and if others like it I’d love their input”.

Thanks again for your support!